Forms and Tools

Forms and Tools

Providers of housing-related services within Santa Cruz County utilize a variety of forms and tools to help people get and keep housing. This webpage provides a centralized location for some official required forms and written tools that providers find useful here or in other communities.

If you have suggestions for some of the current documents or ones to add, please email us at We will update the site with new forms and tools as they become available.

Documenting Chronic Homelessness

The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has established specific programs that prioritize or target households experiencing “chronic homelessness.” To qualify for these housing opportunities, households must document their eligibility. The files listed below include forms and tools to help with determining if a household meets the criteria for “chronic homelessness” and the documents required to verify this eligibility.

Documenting Homelessness

HUD and other public and private funding agencies frequently require documentation of homelessness for eligibility purposes. Here is information on how to document homelessness according to funding sources. The first document listed is for HUD programs specifically.

Housing Search and Retention Forms and Tools

This section contains forms and tools that housing service providers have found useful in helping people get and keep housing. This section will be updated as new resources become available.

Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Supporting Documents

Here are additional documents our service providers may need to help their clients in the HMIS database:

Address: 1000 Emeline Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95060 |
| Phone: 831-454-7312
| Fax: 831-454-4642