
Upcoming Events

2025 Point-in-Time Count Training

The 2025 Point-in-Time (PIT) Count is scheduled for Thursday, January 30, 2025.

If you are interested in volunteering, we recommend that you attend at least one of the following trainings. If you are interested in receiving meeting reminders, sign up here.

Friday, January 24, 2025
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Via Zoom and in-person (location TBD)

Join ZoomGov Meeting
Meeting ID: 160 253 1515
Passcode: 986265

The Youth Homeless Demonstration Project Presents:

To educate stakeholders about:

  • the range of services offered by adult and youth probation to support at-risk youth,
  • highlight additional resources available for unaccompanied youth facing housing challenges,
  • and outline the collaborative processes that enable effective reintegration of unhoused youth and young adults upon release from incarceration.

To register: Supporting Our Youth: Comprehensive Probation Services for Unhoused Young People Tickets, Wed, Oct 30, 2024 at 1:00 PM | Eventbrite

Previous Events

Housing for Health Partnership (Continuum of Care) Community Meeting

HOUSING FIRST: From Principles to Practice

Thursday October 17, 2024
9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Civic Plaza Community Room
275 Main Street, 6th Floor, Watsonville, CA 95076

Thank you for attending our event, "Housing First: From Principles to Practice." We hope you found our community meeting both informative and inspiring. We hope you left with at least one new valuable insight that can remotivate you and lead to a lasting change in your thinking, feeling, and behavior.

Please take a moment to complete our evaluation survey. Your feedback is crucial in shaping our future events, goals, and initiatives: Housing First Post-Event Survey.

A special shout out to our two keynote speakers, Juha Kahila from Y-Säätiö and Cheryl Winter, MPH, LICSW from CSH. Both of your presentations on the collaborative efforts and resources necessary to transform Housing First principles into effective programs were invaluable. We appreciate your engagement and contributions to our community conversation.

We appreciate you for showing up and being a part of this important discussion. Here are all the event presentations, handouts, and videos:

Housing First Videos

Presentations Handouts MS Teams Recording Livestream Video


Juha Kahila
Head Of International Affairs, Y-Säätiö

Meet Juha Kahila, the Head of International Affairs at Y-Foundation, the largest Finnish NGO dedicated to providing housing for homeless individuals and social housing, boasting a housing stock of over 19,000 apartments. Juha plays a pivotal role in coordinating the Nordic Homelessness Alliance and facilitating a workgroup within the Housing First Europe Hub.

With a rich background in housing and homelessness initiatives, Juha previously spearheaded the National Housing First development network in Finland, engaging with all key stakeholders in the field. His experience extends to roles as a front-line support worker, service manager, and CEO of a Housing First service provider, providing him with a comprehensive perspective on housing and homelessness issues.

Juha holds a master's degree in social services, further enhancing his expertise in the realm of social welfare and housing solutions.

Cheryl Winter, MPH, LICSW Associate Director, CSH - Corporation for Supportive Housing

Cheryl Winter brings to her work a deep knowledge of supportive housing and healthcare integration with significant experience in cross sector partnerships, Medicaid benefit design and implementation and provider capacity building. As the Associate Director of CSH’s California Policy Team, Cheryl’s work focuses on the integration of supportive housing services with healthcare systems, promoting the inclusion of people with lived expertise in state policy and program design efforts, and Medi-Cal policy analysis and implementation. Over the past twelve years, Cheryl has worked with hundreds of housing and homeless service providers as they navigate Medicaid/Medi-Cal contracts, billing, and service delivery.

Prior to focusing on California policy, Cheryl served as a CSH consultant for five years providing technical assistance to communities working to expand access and ensure fidelity to quality supportive housing. Her work focused on healthcare partnerships, systems analyses and innovative service funding opportunities that grow the pipeline of supportive and affordable housing projects, developing cross-system efficiencies, and enabling providers to gain the tools they need to deliver quality supportive housing services.

As the Associate Director of Consulting at CSH, Cheryl oversaw the CSH Quality Certification Program that evaluates and certifies high performing quality supportive housing projects across the United States. Cheryl also served as lead designer and instructor for CSH Medicaid Academies for supportive housing and homeless service providers becoming Medicaid providers. She also worked with states completing Supportive Housing Services Medicaid Crosswalks and data analyses targeting high utilizers of crisis health systems.

Prior to joining CSH, Cheryl worked as the Director of Integrated Health for Pathways to Housing DC, where she managed programming that integrated supportive housing, primary care, and behavioral health services. Cheryl also served as the Director of Quality Improvement, overseeing Medicaid quality assurance, claims submissions, staff training, and quality improvement initiatives.

As a Health Policy Fellow at the Missouri Foundation for Health, Cheryl focused her research on health equity and the social determinants of health. Cheryl is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker and holds Master’s degrees in Public Health and Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis.

Virtual Event: Public Defender and Housing for Health Partnership

Wednesday, September 11, 2024
4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Watch the Zoom Video
View the event's presentation

Public Defender Heather Rogers joined us to discuss the intersection between housing insecurity, homelessness and the criminal legal system in Santa Cruz County. Learn about laws and local practices that impact individuals who are unhoused, and what the Office of the Public Defender is doing to approach this issue in the spirit of courage, compassion and community.

Address: 1000 Emeline Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95060 |
| Phone: 831-454-7312
| Fax: 831-454-4642