The Housing Assistance Fund (HAF), managed by Santa Cruz County’s Housing for Health Division in partnership with the Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County, was created to provide a flexible source of funding to help Santa Cruz County eligible participants and their families obtain and maintain long-term stable housing. The funds come from a variety of sources that allow for maximum flexibility tailored to the unique needs of each household experiencing a housing crisis. HAF applications are prepared and submitted on behalf of participants by eligible providers, currently limited to only those that are licensed HMIS users. Before requesting funds, providers must either attend or watch the recorded HAF training and read the policies document linked below. Questions about the HAF program can be sent to
Housing Assistance Fund Policy
Summary of Eligible HAF Expenses
H4H Flexible Spending Fund Check Request Form
H4H Housing Assistance Fund Participant Info (English)
H4H Housing Assistance Fund Participant Info (Spanish)
HAF Homeward Bound Program